Sunday, 23 March 2014

                         Double crossed
 He should have been happy today. It was after all a big day. It was his wedding day. He got married today. Of course, he was happy. Avika was a beautiful girl, well educated, well spoken, well behaved. He was lucky to have her in life. But the guilt! It kept gnawing at the back of his mind. It would not allow him to remain peaceful. He had deceived her. Yes, it was deceit. Of course he had never lied to her. But hiding the truth is as good as, or better say, as bad as lying. He had hidden the truth from her. His family had hidden the truth from hers. But had they not, they might not have gotten married. After all, why would a girl like Avika marry a guy with a single kidney? Not that it mattered much, but why would she make compromise in an arranged marriage? Why would her parents marry their beautiful daughter to a disabled man? Yes, this certainly was a disability. And hence, they had decided they would not tell her family about it.
 He always felt guilty about it, right from the beginning. But his family was adamant. They had warned him that he would end up remaining single if he spilled the beans before marriage. There had been lots of discussions in his family over this matter. His mother was of the opinion that the fact that he developed acute kidney infection at a young age and his kidney had to be removed was not his fault. So why should he suffer. Secondly, the doctor had said that he could lead a normal life even with a single kidney. So then, how did it matter. But still, he knew, this was akin to fraud. The basis of a relationship between a husband and wife is trust. And he had breached it before it even began. Many times, while he was dating Avika after their marriage got fixed, he was tempted to tell her. But back then, the fear of losing her forever had prevented him from doing so. But now the guilt had gotten the better of him. He could not hide the truth now. He would tell her right away, on their first night.

 Avika was waiting for him in the decorated room upstairs. Whatever would happen now, he was determined to confide in her. Only then could he begin a happily married life. What if she decides to leave me? He brushed away the thought as he climbed the staircase. The door to the room was closed. He opened the door. Avika did not seem to notice. She was standing facing the window at the far end, her back towards him. He quietly tiptoed behind her, to take her by surprise. As he came near her, he realized she was speaking to someone in a hushed voice. And that was when he overheard her say, “But mom, some day they will come to know that my left ovary has been removed. Then what?”