Monday, 28 November 2011

Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful when you learn to live
Life is beautiful when you learn to give
Life is beautiful when you understand how to share
Life is beautiful when you understand how to care
Life is beautiful when you learn to lend a hand
Life is beautiful when you can catch the slipping sand
Life is beautiful when you can stand in other’s shoes
Life is beautiful when you have nothing to lose
Life is beautiful when you know where to go ahead
Life is beautiful when everywhere love you spread
Life is beautiful when you can feel other’s pain
Life is beautiful when you can freely dance in the rain
Life is beautiful when you can make a kid smile
Life is beautiful when you can make others relax a while
Life is beautiful when any burden you can bear
Life is beautiful when you have time to spare
Life is beautiful when you can appreciate the morning dew
Life is beautiful when you feel God is near you…

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The fact I have always found to be the most fascinating ever, is the fact that the basic model of atom resembles the basic model of the universe. Both, an atom and systems in universe consist of a central nucleus, around which various particles/planets revolve in circular orbits. Atom represents the smallest unit of matter whereas Universe, the largest. I always wonder what is that powerful thing that controls both, keeps both in working condition. is it Almighty? then where is He? I am a science student, and i try to explain everything in this world by science. However, i have come to a conclusion that in real life, all things cannot be explained by science. its rather a combination of science + logic + miracle; what cannot be explained by science can be explained by logic, and whatever cannot be explained by both, has to be a miracle!!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

There's a small child within each one of us. I believe that as we grow up, the civilization, the culture, the mannerisms, the etiquettes, all wrap layers and layers of themselves on the child within us. We want to say something, but we say something else. We mean something,we speak something else. We want to do one thing, we end up doing something else. We just smile when we actually want to laugh our hearts out and keep a neutral face when we actually want to burrow our head and cry. We waste all time in pretending to be something we are not. But once in a while, we should let the child within us out. The child who has no qualms about being who he really is, the child who laughs when he is happy and cries when he is sad. The child who does what his mind tells him to do, without worrying about who is watching him. The child who is least cared about what the world thinks about him, the child who looks just as innocent as he truly is. Because this child is what we truly are, not the adult we pretend to be...


People in our country are obsessed with the term "Revolution". Every other person wants to bring about a revolution. But I believe, just like charity begins at home, revolution too, begins at home. What you expect from the society in general, must first start with you in particular. People just want the system to change, but they are not ready to change themselves. However, just as an ocean doesn't appear overnight, system doesn't change overnight. Every single drop of water contributes to the ocean, however small it may be, it is an important part of the ocean's existence. For any change to happen, efforts directed towards the change should keep on, in a steady manner. In  Microbiology, we learnt the terms 'shift' and 'drift' in relation to changes in virulence of viruses. I think the same applies to the society at large. But whether its a shift or a drift, the change needs to occur at every level, and to be specific, from grass root level.